Appeal for help! (For victims for psychological manipulation)

This blog is posted for fellow citizens to help any person who they know is being manipulated, or harassed or being cornered. Being cornered and then being manipulated is also a very horrific experience, which cannot be seen physically. No signs appear any where on the body. Person cannot show proof, as to what is going on wrong wrong him. But people around him are manipulating the environment around him, in such a way, so he can be portrayed as an un-stable man. 

This is happening around you, in your city. The people around this victim, allow only him to know, things which he should see. Not the reality. They will keep him scared, showing the problems in life. May be telling him, to be thankful for whatever he has got. Not to speak for himself. As this behaviour is lowered in his house and nearby. 

Psychological harassment is a horrific experience, the person doesn't feel comfortable talking about it for a long time. Even after it is lowered, the person feels traumatized speaking about it. This is known to the people doing it. They know exactly how to use every single emotion, how to use it. Victims no emotion is going unnoticed, manipulators are using it to the full extend. To kill him mentally. To misuse his every weakness. 

The person feels lower in asking for help. As no one around has told him anything, or shown him any proofs of this victimization. No proofs at all. Many a times, the person feels he is only the trouble. He is creating it in his head. But he knows, deep down, where is this happening. In his soul. He feels, even his soul is hurt. By all these acts of harm that his own people are doing it to him. Unbearable pain. But no medicine to cure it. 

People who are victimizing him, know how to portray him in the society. His surroundings are modified. They are using every resource to victimize and traumatize him. So, he looks weak and un-useful. Kill him with full mental trauma. He will probably speak to one person in a week, which they can manage, to convince. That this has not happened. This is a propaganda. Which this person is a victim of. Over the years, he has gone weak. unwilling to fight. He sees no-one near him. Who could help him. 

This is a dreadful experience for a human being. You know only when you undergo this. It's good you have not undergone this. Victims also bless you, you never undergo this. But asks for help! Sometimes he wishes, he leaves this body, as it is. 


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