Diffrence between a spiritual Guru and Motivational Speaker

 Many a times we find people listen to motivational speaker and charged up. This is natural. This is even good! A spiritual guru is usually not that excited about goal achieving, like a trainer/ speaker. 

What are the key differences between the two? 

A motivational trainer would tell you to pish yourself. To not limit yourself where you are right now. He/she would tell you to achieve more and more in life. This is a natural way of progression. He knows if you become satisfied with what you have, you will not push yourself. 

A spiritual guru usually talks of peace in life. He is not focussed on your ego of doing something. He is more interested in keeping you peaceful. He talks of not you being a driver of your own life. Rather he would ask you to submit to god and tell yourself, God is the driver of your life. 

Then comes our dilemma of whome to follow, a speaker or a Guru. Sometimes their statements can be contradictory as well. In that situation, we find it difficult, whome to follow in the long run. 

Here is the answer, Let's consider that you follow a motivational speaker, who is always pushing you. Telling you to keep your self on the edge. You follow him for 5 years and you become succefful. You are earning good money and have also reached the goal you have set for yourself. You are full of ego and feel that everything that has come to you, is because of your own efforts. You give less respect to people who have not achived anything in life or comparably much less than you. You feel, you are superior to them. You do not respect them also. 

Then comes a time of probem. Things change, may be recession, slowdown or probably loss in business, change in technly, or a market shift, whatever but you fall offline. You business is shattered and you feel frustrated. Like a failure. But now, you startr to blame the circumstances. You feel you made progress but it was taken away from you because of circumstances. So , then you feel you have less luck. But this is not enough. Because how many times you blame God/ Almighty for this, solution to this problem dosen't fit your mind. 

You start following a spiritual Guru then, he tells you do not worry. Everthing that you got was because of this God. It has ben taken away from you, as per wish of God. But you are not in a recieving mindset. You become angry, anxiuos and irritated by this explanation. Why because this is wrong, as per you. You were damm motivated to achieve your goal. Every year, you were making progress like anything. This year was your blooming year. And this disaster happned. Hell with this. 

Now, after much struggle and exhausion from frustration. You finally start to listen to this Guru who says about mental peace. This becomes turning point for you. You are now becoming more peaceful and satisfied with this situation. Here comes the importance of spirituality in life. Yes, we need spirituality in life. Like many other aspects in life. 

Like you need Love, respect, Physical relationships, you need spirituality in life. 


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