
Fight between White wolf and Black wolf/ सफेद भेड़िये और काले भेड़िये के बीच लड़ाई

White wolf signifies peace, harmony, hope, love, courage, humility, compassion and faith. All those qualities that are important for a peaceful world. The people who have these qualities are positive in their approach and hence benefit the people around them. Due to their way of thought process and working, the world is benefitted. These are the people who want to live a peaceful and prosperous life and want others also to have such lives! Saints have high level of these qualities, hence gather lot people around them. All these people want their company, like to stay in their touch. Their aura is also bright coloured. As they say, a person can lie, but their aura cannot lie! Even the people who follow these saint people also have many positive qualities. White wolf signifies the good inside of us.  Black wolf on the other hand signifies bad qualities inside us. Features like fear, anger, envy, jealousy, greed and arrogance. All these lead to unproductive lives, for the people who h...

'On-time' or 'Before-time' Dilemma/ 'समय पर' या 'समय से पहले' दुविधा

Today, I observe that kids of various ages are expected to over-achieve outcomes of life. Whether be it games, activities or studies. Of course, competition has been very high from always. It's going on higher levels, as we are progressing on population front. I thought to spend some time on thinking, do we need all this, or we can approach this from different point of view.  Some of my thoughts are arising from book 'The Subtle art of not giving a F*ck' by Mark Manson. Also, I attended seminar on 'How to re-design your family', so I'll like to share thoughts from that as well. We try that our kids should not lag behind, in any aspect of life. They should be on the front on every aspect of life. There is absolutely no problem in that! Me, being father of two young kids, 6 years and 8 years, am thrilled by the thought that my kids are doing great at school, book reading classes or sports etc.  The only point I am raising is- 'On-time' or 'Before-time...

Evolution and Manifestation

We hear a lot many people saying, manifest your dreams. If you do it properly, they will be yours soon. You manifest them, and you get pulled towards them more and more. Power of manifestation can bring happiness in your lives. This all is very true. But that's not what we are discussing today.  Power of manifestation has always been there, you just need to identify it. Evolution is defined as, when slowly all the species have grown slowly and gradually, into what we see today. They are the best fitted versions of themselves, as per the surroundings. They fit best in their environment. As Charles Darwin said 'Survival of the fittest'. Means only those species will survive which will fit their environment properly. Not more not less! Isn't this manifestation? I think it is. So, let's understand this from the story of Giraffes. There were two Giraffes, who wanted to eat leaves from a heighted tree. At that time, they were of the height of Giraffes. Not as long as they...

Appeal for help! (For victims for psychological manipulation)

This blog is posted for fellow citizens to help any person who they know is being manipulated, or harassed or being cornered. Being cornered and then being manipulated is also a very horrific experience, which cannot be seen physically. No signs appear any where on the body. Person cannot show proof, as to what is going on wrong wrong him. But people around him are manipulating the environment around him, in such a way, so he can be portrayed as an un-stable man.  This is happening around you, in your city. The people around this victim, allow only him to know, things which he should see. Not the reality. They will keep him scared, showing the problems in life. May be telling him, to be thankful for whatever he has got. Not to speak for himself. As this behaviour is lowered in his house and nearby.  Psychological harassment is a horrific experience, the person doesn't feel comfortable talking about it for a long time. Even after it is lowered, the person feels traumatized spea...

How toxic relationships kill you slowly?

 Toxic relationships can come from anyone - relations, wife. They are so careful in making you believe, whatever you should believe as per their requirement. They are very slow in hampering you. No sudden movements, no points to tell - what have they done to you. These all things are mental - so physical damage seen on the body, sort of torture but no points to prove. They make word "torture" a very frequently and lightly spoken word in household, so that it becomes normal. When you speak the word, it has no big impact. Very low self-confidence and low-social circle denies you of taking any action. You have very less bonding with your parents as due to constant stress, you have fought with them many times. They do not value you much due to less social impact and weak financial situation. How does the person fee? Weak, helpless. He sees everywhere. Everyone is happy, except him. He does not enjoy time with his kids. As things are not full fine. He is fine physically, so no poi...

Diffrence between a spiritual Guru and Motivational Speaker

 Many a times we find people listen to motivational speaker and charged up. This is natural. This is even good! A spiritual guru is usually not that excited about goal achieving, like a trainer/ speaker.  What are the key differences between the two?  A motivational trainer would tell you to pish yourself. To not limit yourself where you are right now. He/she would tell you to achieve more and more in life. This is a natural way of progression. He knows if you become satisfied with what you have, you will not push yourself.  A spiritual guru usually talks of peace in life. He is not focussed on your ego of doing something. He is more interested in keeping you peaceful. He talks of not you being a driver of your own life. Rather he would ask you to submit to god and tell yourself, God is the driver of your life.  Then comes our dilemma of whome to follow, a speaker or a Guru. Sometimes their statements can be contradictory as well. In that situation, we find it d...

Relation between God, Soul and Body !

How old is our Universe? According to many physicists, it is 13.7 billion years old. Big Bang theory suggests that, in a flash of a second everything from singularity, came into existence! And has been into existence since then. This is the most popular theory as per the scientists in this field of study. They also say that all the atoms in matter that we see today were formed then. So, can we not say that the soul in the living beings, must also be formed at that very time. Yes soul, which according to Hindu religion is the source of life of all beings on the Earth. Which in turn, is a part of that eternal being whom we acknowledge as God. So if God has created these atoms at that time, wouldn’t he would have created the souls at that time! Since then these souls have travelled through different bodies of various organisms. They would have travelled from a body of fish to dog to micro-organisms and probably humans. Hindu religion speaks that our soul is a small part of God or say ‘f...