Evolution and Manifestation
We hear a lot many people saying, manifest your dreams. If you do it properly, they will be yours soon. You manifest them, and you get pulled towards them more and more. Power of manifestation can bring happiness in your lives. This all is very true. But that's not what we are discussing today. Power of manifestation has always been there, you just need to identify it. Evolution is defined as, when slowly all the species have grown slowly and gradually, into what we see today. They are the best fitted versions of themselves, as per the surroundings. They fit best in their environment. As Charles Darwin said 'Survival of the fittest'. Means only those species will survive which will fit their environment properly. Not more not less! Isn't this manifestation? I think it is. So, let's understand this from the story of Giraffes. There were two Giraffes, who wanted to eat leaves from a heighted tree. At that time, they were of the height of Giraffes. Not as long as they...