Diffrence between a spiritual Guru and Motivational Speaker
Many a times we find people listen to motivational speaker and charged up. This is natural. This is even good! A spiritual guru is usually not that excited about goal achieving, like a trainer/ speaker. What are the key differences between the two? A motivational trainer would tell you to pish yourself. To not limit yourself where you are right now. He/she would tell you to achieve more and more in life. This is a natural way of progression. He knows if you become satisfied with what you have, you will not push yourself. A spiritual guru usually talks of peace in life. He is not focussed on your ego of doing something. He is more interested in keeping you peaceful. He talks of not you being a driver of your own life. Rather he would ask you to submit to god and tell yourself, God is the driver of your life. Then comes our dilemma of whome to follow, a speaker or a Guru. Sometimes their statements can be contradictory as well. In that situation, we find it d...